Get ready to step into spring

Get ready to step into spring

Our friends at Kiwiherb share some insightful tips on how to support seasonal allergies this spring.

While many people delight as daffodils and hyacinths bring the first daubs of colour back to the landscape, others inwardly sigh and brace themselves, knowing that an immune response to seasonal allergens may be just around the corner.

Blossoms and bulbs may be the most visual sign of spring’s arrival; however, the real seasonal allergens are often unseen: tiny pollen's that spring flowers, trees and grasses produce. Other common triggers include fungal spores, moulds, animal hair, dust mites and environmental irritants such as pollution, chemicals, and exhaust fumes.

As the immune system works hard to tackle these threats, stuffy noses, watery eyes, congestion and reaching for the tissues ensue. Not to mention the quick successions of sneezing and snuffing that is exhausting in itself! Bless you!

Mother Nature Friend and Foe

Mother nature’s prolific pollen's appear to be your enemy in this whole allergen business; however, mother nature also provides us with a variety of natural plant extracts to help get you back on side. Selected herbs may support immunity and soothe delicate membranes gently and naturally, helping you breathe easy without being weighed down with tissue box in tow.

If you’re looking for natural support, try Kiwiherb Herbal Allergy Formula. It combines three herbal extracts chosen for their ability to help soothe upset tissues and support an immune response to allergens: Eyebright, Rehmannia and Baical Skullcap. Eyebright’s name says it all: it’s traditionally used for support to soothe streaming eyes and noses. Rehmannia and Baical Skullcap work together to support the body’s response to allergens.

Certified organic ear, nasal and sinus support Kiwiherb De Stuff and Kiwiherb De-Stuff for Kids include the natural herbal ingredients, organic Elderflower, Ribwort & Echinacea root. These work to support clear airways and help ease congestion, with Echinacea also providing systemic immune support. These are also specifically formulated to taste great. Suitable for children and also available for adults.

Herbs are only as good as their formulation, and when grown well, manufactured well and given in the right doses, they may help support the body’s capacity to be less reactive in the medium and long-term, so everyone can spend time enjoying this colourful and aromatic time of year.

Lifestyle and Dietary Tips

Up With The Birds

Try to get outside in the early morning or later in the evening when the pollen count is typically lower. Certain activities like lawn mowing may be best passed on to another willing helper. They might like to weed the garden at the same time!

Surround Yourself with Clean

Help eliminate allergy-causing pollen and mites from the air with a household purification system. A spring clean, including bed linen, is always beneficial.

Consider using a handkerchief or a mask while cleaning to minimise exposure.


When the nose is all stuffy, eating food hot and spicy helps thin mucus, allowing it to be more easily expressed. Try adding organic garlic, onions, ginger, cinnamon and cayenne pepper to your recipes.

Pollen Be Gone

Remove and wash clothes that you have worn outside when coming back into your home. This will help to prevent pollen from establishing itself in your furniture and bedding. Taking a shower before bed will help prevent pollen from transferring from your hair to the bed linen.

Junk Free

Eating healthy foods and drinking adequate water is supportive to your health and may assist your immune system to brave those allergens. Choose certified organic, colourful fruits, veggies, and good quality protein sources.

Getting natural support when you need it means you can breathe easier, drinking in the sweetness of the spring air without the nuisance (and the tissues!).

Let us help you step into Spring with a little help from your friend - Mother Nature.

Kiwiherb provides natural family healthcare with a comprehensive range suited to all ages.

*Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

-Article by Kiwiherb

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